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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - smooth


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Перевод с английского языка smooth на русский

гл. сглаживать - smooth away - smooth down - smooth out - smooth over
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  гладкий; ровный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. гладкая, ровная поверхность 2. приглаживание; сглаживание to give one's hair a smooth —- пригладить волосы, провести рукой по волосам Id: to take the rough with the smooth —- стойко переносить превратности судьбы 3. гладкий, ровный smooth paper (surface, skin) —- гладкая бумага (поверхность, кожа) smooth road —- хорошая (ровная) дорога smooth hair —- гладкие волосы smooth file —- тех. личной напильник to make smooth —- приглаживать, разглаживать; выравнивать (дорогу и т. п.) 4. стертый, стершийся smooth tyre —- изношенная ("лысая") шина 5. однородный smooth paste —- однородное тесто, тесто без комков 6. плавный; спокойный smooth sea —- спокойное море smooth crossing (passage) —- спокойный переход (переезд) морем (по морю) smooth descent —- плавный спуск (также космического корабля) to have a smooth ride in a good car —- ехать покойно (без тряски) в хорошем автомобиле 7. легкий; приятный smooth accent —- приятное произношение smooth to the touch —- приятный на ощупь smooth dancer —- партнер, с которым приятно танцевать 8. спокойный, уравновешенный smooth temper —- ровный нрав; легкий нрав 9. вкрадчивый, льстивый smooth words —- сладкие речи to have a smooth tongue —- уметь говорить приятные вещи; лестью втираться в доверие 10. ловкий to reply in a smooth tone —- ответить непринужденным тоном (как ни в чем...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  down  а) приглаживать She smoothed her dress down over her knees.  б) успокаивать What can we do to smooth his hurt feelings down? SMOOTH  1. adj.  1) гладкий, ровный  2) однородный; smooth paste - тесто без комков  3) плавный, спокойный; беспрепятственный  4) нетерпкий (о вине)  5) уравновешенный, спокойный  6) вкрадчивый, льстивый  7) coll. очень приятный, привлекательный to get to smooth water - выбраться из затруднительного положения  2. noun  1) приглаживание  2) гладкая поверхность  3. v.  1) приглаживать, сглаживать(ся), разглаживать(ся) (часто smooth away, smooth down, smoothout, smooth over)  2) смягчать, смазывать (обыкн. smooth over)  3) успокаивать(ся) (обыкн. smooth down)  4) tech. полировать, шлифовать, лощить - smooth away - smooth down - smooth out - smooth over SMOOTH away  а) сглаживать, разглаживать I cant smooth these folds away, they keep coming back.  б) устранять, сглаживать (неприятности и т.п.) The chairman has made efforts to smooth away any difficulties that might prevent our plans to be fulfilled. SMOOTH over  а) сглаживать Perhaps a gift of flowers will help to smooth your quarrel over.  б) преуменьшать (ошибку и т.п.) He was trying to smooth over his own responsibility for the delay, instead of accepting his fault. SMOOTH operator ловкий делец SMOOTH out  а) разглаживать, расправлять Smooth out any unevenness in the cloth before you cut it.  б) улаживать, сглаживать They need a friend to smooth the matter out between them. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) гладкий 2) депланировать 3) загладить 4) заглаживать 5) плавный 6) разглаживать 7) ровный 8) сгладить 9) сглаженный 10) сглаживать 11) спокойный 12) шлейфовать 13) шлихтовать 14) штифной algebra of smooth germs — алгебра гладких ростков almost smooth manifold — почти гладкое многообразие complete smooth curve — полная гладкая кривая essentially smooth function — существенно гладкая функция everywhere smooth function — всюду гладкая функция piecewise sectionally smooth — кусочно гладкий piecewise smooth curve — кусочно гладкая кривая piecewise smooth function — кусочно гладкая функция sectionally smooth arc — кусочно-гладкая дуга sectionally smooth curve — кусочно гладкая кривая sectionally smooth function — кусочно гладкая функция singularity of smooth mapping — особенность гладкого отображения smooth manifold triad — триада гладких многообразий smooth out the peak load — распределять пиковую нагрузку smooth upper gage — гладкая верхняя калибровочная функция strongly smooth graph — сильно гладкий граф uniformly smooth function — равномерно гладкая функция - essentially smooth - everywhere smooth - fit smooth curve - minimally smooth - piecewise smooth - sectionally smooth - smooth action - smooth approximation - smooth arc - smooth body - smooth boundary - smooth bundle - smooth cascade - smooth chart - smooth cohomology - smooth compactification - smooth component - smooth connection - smooth continuum - smooth contour - smooth covering - smooth cut - smooth dendroid - smooth design - smooth distribution -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) сглаживать; выравнивать 2) шлифовать; полировать to smooth out — сглаживать; выравнивать; to smooth out the dent — выправлять вмятину (напр. на обшивке воздушного судна) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  adj., v., n., & adv. --adj. 1 having a relatively even and regular surface; free from perceptible projections, lumps, indentations, and roughness. 2 not wrinkled, pitted, scored, or hairy (smooth skin). 3 that can be traversed without check. 4 (of liquids) of even consistency; without lumps (mix to a smooth paste). 5 (of the sea etc.) without waves or undulations. 6 (of a journey, passage, progress, etc.) untroubled by difficulties or adverse conditions. 7 having an easy flow or correct rhythm (smooth breathing; a smooth metre). 8 a not harsh in sound or taste. b (of wine etc.) not astringent. 9 (of a person, his or her manner, etc.) suave, conciliatory, flattering, unruffled, or polite (a smooth talker; he's very smooth). 10 (of movement etc.) not suddenly varying; not jerky. --v. 1 tr. & intr. (often foll. by out, down) make or become smooth. 2 (often foll. by out, down, over, away) a tr. reduce or get rid of (differences, faults, difficulties, etc.) in fact or appearance. b intr. (of difficulties etc.) diminish, become less obtrusive (it will all smooth over). 3 tr. modify (a graph, curve, etc.) so as to lessen irregularities. 4 tr. free from impediments or discomfort (smooth the way; smooth the declining years). --n. 1 a smoothing touch or stroke (gave his hair a smooth). 2 the easy part of life (take the rough with the smooth). --adv. smoothly (the course of true love never did run smooth). Phrases and idioms in smooth water having passed obstacles or difficulties. smooth-bore a gun with an unrifled barrel. smooth-faced hypocritically friendly. smoothing-iron hist. a flat-iron. smoothing-plane a small plane for finishing the planing of wood. smooth muscle a muscle without striations, usu. occurring in hollow organs and performing involuntary functions. smooth talk colloq. bland specious language. smooth-talk v.tr. address or persuade with this. smooth-tongued insincerely flattering. Derivatives smoothable adj. smoother n. smoothish adj. smoothly adv. smoothness n. Etymology: OE smoth ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English smothe, from Old English smoth; akin to Old Saxon smothi ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a.  (1) having a continuous even surface  (2) of a curve being the representation of a function with a continuous first derivative  (3) having or being a short even coat of hair a ~ collie — compare rough, wirehaired  b. being without hair  c. glabrous a ~ leaf  d. causing no resistance to sliding  2. free from difficulties or impediments the ~ course of his life  3. even and uninterrupted in flow or flight  4. excessively and often artfully suave ; ingratiating a ~ operator  5.  a. serene, equable a ~ disposition  b. amiable, courteous  6.  a. not sharp or harsh a ~ sherry  b. free from lumps  Synonyms: see level, easy, suave  • ~ adverb  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. verb  (~ed; ~ing; ~s; also ~es)  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1. to make ~  2.  a. to free from what is harsh or disagreeable ; polish ~ed out his style  b. soothe  3. to minimize (as a fault) especially in order to allay anger or ill will his main job is to ~ over the friction that so often arises — Brian Crozier  4. to free from obstruction or difficulty conciliation ~ed the way to an agreement  5.  a. to press flat ~ed down the folds of her dress  b. to remove expression from (one's face) ; compose  6. to cause to lie evenly and in order ; preen a bird ~ing its feathers  7. to free (as a graph or data) from irregularities  intransitive verb to become ~  • ~er noun  III. noun  Date: 15th century  1. a ~ part  2. the act of ~ing  3. a ~ing implement ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (smoother, smoothest, smooths, smoothing, smoothed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A smooth surface has no roughness, lumps, or holes. ...a rich cream that keeps skin soft and smooth. ...a smooth surface such as glass... The flagstones beneath their feet were worn smooth by centuries of use. ? rough ADJ 2. A smooth liquid or mixture has been mixed well so that it has no lumps. Continue whisking until the mixture looks smooth and creamy... ? lumpy ADJ 3. If you describe a drink such as wine, whisky, or coffee as smooth, you mean that it is not bitter and is pleasant to drink. This makes the whiskeys much smoother. ? rough, harsh ADJ 4. A smooth line or movement has no sudden breaks or changes in direction or speed. This exercise is done in one smooth motion. ADJ • smoothly Make sure that you execute all movements smoothly and without jerking... ADV: ADV with v 5. A smooth ride, flight, or sea crossing is very comfortable because there are no unpleasant movements. The active suspension system gives the car a very smooth ride. ? bumpy, rough ADJ 6. You use smooth to describe something that is going well and is free of problems or trouble. Political hopes for a swift and smooth transition to democracy have been dashed... ADJ • smoothly So far, talks at GM have gone smoothly... ADV: ADV with v 7. If you describe a man as smooth, you mean that he is extremely smart, confident, and polite, often in a way that you find rather unpleasant. Twelve extremely good-looking, smooth young men have been picked as finalists... ADJ 8. If you smooth something, you move your hands over its surface to make it smooth and flat. She stood up and smoothed down her frock... Bardo smoothed his moustache. VERB: V n with adv, V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »FLAT« a smooth surface is completely flat and even  (The stone steps had been worn smooth by centuries of visitors.)  (- opposite rough1 (1)) 2 »SOFT« skin or fur that is smooth is soft and pleasant to touch, and your hand moves easily over it  (Sheila stroked the cat's silky smooth fur. | as smooth as a baby's bottom) 3 »LIQUID« a liquid mixture that is smooth is thick but with no big pieces in it  (Beat the eggs and flour until they are smooth.)  (- opposite lumpy) 4 »GRACEFUL« only before noun a smooth movement, style, way of doing something etc is graceful and has no sudden awkward changes  (Swing the tennis racquet in one smooth motion.)  (- opposite jerky1) 5 »WITHOUT PROBLEMS« a system, operation, or process that is smooth operates well and without problems  (contributing to the smooth running of the company)  (- see also go smoothly smoothly (2)) 6 »PLEASANT TASTE« a drink such as whisky or beer that is smooth is not bitter but tastes pleasant and is easy to swallow 7 »POLITE« someone who is smooth is polite, confident, and relaxed, but does not seem sincere  (I never trust these smooth salesmen.) 8 »COMFORTABLE« a journey that is smooth is comfortable because the plane does not shake, or the sea is not rough  (We had a smooth crossing on the boat. | a smooth flight)  (- opposite bumpy, - see also smoothly, smooth talking) - smoothness n ~2 v 1 also smooth out to make something such as paper or cloth flat by moving your hands across it  (They smoothed out the map on the table and planned their route.) 2 also smooth down to make something that is raised flat by moving your hands across it  (Angela smoothed her hair down neatly.) 3 also smooth down to take away the roughness from the surface of wood, clay etc  (You have to smooth it before you varnish it.) 4 (always +adv/prep) to rub a liquid, cream, etc gently over a surface or into a surface  (smooth sth into/over)  (She smoothed suntan lotion over her legs.) 5 smooth the way to make it easier for something to happen, by dealing with...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - O.E. smoр "free from roughness, not harsh." Sense of "pleasant, polite, sincere" first recorded c.1390. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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